Garyga - Guhaghar Village family tree

Guhaghar Village

Guhagar is a town in Ratnagiri district in the Indian state of Maharashtra State in India . Guhagar is 56.2 km distance from its District Main City Ratnagiri . And 176 km distance from its State Main City Mumbai. The nearest city and railhead is Chiplun, about 44 kilometres (27 mi) away.

Near By towns/villages are Varveli(2.7 k.m.) ,Patpanhale(3.1 k.m.) ,Palpene(5 k.m.) ,Palshet(5.6 k.m.) ,Malan(5.8 k.m.), Dapoli(29.3 k.m.) ,Khed(32.3 k.m.). Guhagar Pin Code is 415703.


Very less information is available about family from Guhaghar. Apart from Trimbakeshwar documents only 3 other members have sent information. However information sent by them is very basic and that too varying as one members claims Mulgaon as Anjarle while other one claims a Dhule and third member is not even sure about Mulgaon. Also tree generated from Trimbakeshwar documents obtained from Phadke Guruji and Ghaisas guruji is only 7 levels deep (i.e. generation 1-7). In general trees generated from Trimbakeshwar documents is 10-11 levels deep.

In Trimbakeshwar documents, trees written by members in generation 2 of family tree (namely lakshmibai and Gopikabai) written mulgaon as Guhaghar and presently in Anjarle. All other trees of lower generations claim mulgaon as Anjarle. On similiar lines, tree P86A ( information in Not placed trees images) claim mulgaon as Guhaghar and presently in Nandivade.

From this one can conclude that even though families belong to Guhaghar, in Trimbakeshwar documents there are not entries from family members who where present in Guhaghar. It's quiet possible that this family might have had always stayed at some other purohits family in Trimbakeshwar (like Patankar's) but we currently do not have any information from them. One main branch of the family went to Anjarle while other went to Nandivade. It cannot be said if any branch remained in Guhaghar actual. Also lack of information from any of the existing members of the 3 branches means nothing definite can be said.

Mul Gaon :- Guhaghar
Gotra :- Garyga


Below map is taken from "WikiMapia".

Family Tree

Additional Information:- 

Ladies in the family tree:-

The following table lists out the female members in the above displayed family tree. The way to find location in family tree is as follows...
1) Find the the related persons name for a given female member.
2) Generation number column gives the generation number/column in which the person to whom the female member are related are placed in the tree.

Ladies in family
No.NameRelation with Peron in Family TreeGen. No. of relation
1LakshmibaiWife of Narayan Raghunath Gore2
2GopikabaiWife of Appaji Raghunath Gore2
3GoduWife of Lakshuman Balaji Gore3
4GangabaiWife of Ramchandra Balaji Gore3
5BhagirathiWife of Vishwanath Balaji Gore3
6AnandibaiWife of Dinkar urfs Bapuji Bhaskar Gore3
7LakshmibaiWife of Chintaman Lakshuman Gore4
8RadhaWife of Hari Lakshuman Gore4
9YashodhaWife of Khando Ramchandra Gore4
10DurgaWife of Vasudeo Vishwanath Gore4
11Kashi urfa SitabaiWife of Ramchandra Chintaman Gore5
12RamabaiWife of Bhargav Chintaman Gore5
13SatyabhamaWife of Shridhar Kashinath Gore5
14ShantabaiDaughter of Shridhar Kashinath Gore5
15LakshmibaiWife of Vaman Kashinath Gore5
16RadhabaiWife of Gopal Govind Gore6
17Shalini/ Vaijayanti Vaman KelkarDaughter of Gopal Govind Gore6
18Sindhu/ Jayashri Jagannath ApteDaughter of Gopal Govind Gore6
19Malati/ Nalini Ratnakar LeleDaughter of Gopal Govind Gore6
20Shashikala Vithalrao AbhyankarWife of Dattatreya Shridhar Gore6
21Nirmala/Sharayu Ganesh BhatWife of Bhaskar Gopal Gore7
22Ashwini Bhaskar JoshiDaughter of Bhaskar Gopal Gore7
23Mrinal/Prachi Prateek SatheDaughter of Bhaskar Gopal Gore7
24Sumati/Shanta Vishnu Vasudeo JoshiWife of Purushottam Gajanan Gore7
25Shaila/Priya Prakash BadheDaughter of Purushottam Gajanan Gore7
26Anuradha Chandrakant Shankar VaidyaWife of Milind Dattatreya Gore7
27RadhikaDaughter of Milind Dattatreya Gore7
28Sujata Damodhar Chintamani DeshpandeWife of Chandrashekar Purushottam Gore8
29AkshayaDaughter of Chandrashekar Purushottam Gore8
30ChinmayaDaughter of Chandrashekar Purushottam Gore8

Family Tree not placed:-

Following trees are generated from Trimbakeshwar documents but they are not placed.

Removed as people just get information but never share any. Absolutely disappointed.

Continuation Trees:-

Still to come - Images of 14, 28, 29, 39 and 58 Family trees

Copyright and Disclaimer Statement:-

  1. The image cannot be reproduced in any place/document/books/websites without proper permissions from the creators.
  2. No information will be provided based on email or blog posts. If any information is required, the individual must contact us in person in Pune to prove he/she belongs to this family before any information about living members and private information is provided to them.
  3. If for some reason, parenting shown in the image and actual parenting (i mean ancestors) varies a bit, kindly let us know and we can discuss based on documents we have and the individual has.


Anonymous said...

let me know who is creating this kul vrutant. which KULDEVI AND KULDEVTA of GUHAGHAR TRE

Gore Kulavrutant Blogger said...

Please drop me email at vatsagore@gmail
