Gargya - Hindale Village - Pune, Dadar, Kalyan, Jamkhandi, Dhokhavade

Hindale Village

Hindale is a Village in Deogad Taluka in Sindhudurg District of Maharashtra State, India. It is located 37 KM towards west from District head quarters Oros. 14 KM from Deogad. 363 KM from State capital Mumbai. Hindale postal head office is Naringre . Tambaldeg ( 3 KM ) , Naringre ( 3 KM ) , Munge ( 4 KM ) , Dahibav ( 4 KM ) , Poyare ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Hindale. Hindale is surrounded by Malvan Taluka towards South , Kankavali Taluka towards East , Oras Taluka towards East , Kudal Taluka towards South.


Many trees are available of Hindale village family. This belongs to families who are predominantly settled in Pune, Dhokavade, Jamkhandi and some branches in Dadar, Kalyan (sometime back). As per documents they left Hindale and moved to Miraj (Modnimb) and from there some moved to Pune and others to places mentioned earlier.

Mul Gaon :- Hindale
Gotra :- Garyga


Below map is taken from Wikimapia.

Family Tree:-

Ladies in the family tree:-

The following table lists out the female members in the above displayed family tree. The way to find location in family tree is as follows...
1) Find the the related persons name for a given female member.
2) Generation number column gives the generation number/column in which the person to whom the female member are related are placed in the tree.

Ladies in family
No.NameRelation with Peron in Family TreeGen. No. of relation
1RakhamaWife of Vithal Naryana Gore4
2SaraswatiWife of Dhondo Narayan Gore4
3RadhaWife of Govind Narayan Gore4
4Parvatiwife of Mahadeo Dhondo Gore5
5SharadaWife of Ganesh Govind Gore5
6LakshmiWife of Keshav Ganesh Gore6
7RakhmaWife of Govind Trimbak Gore6
8SuneetaWife of Neelkanth Keshav Gore7
9GirijaWife of Sadashiv Govind Gore7
10LakshmiWife of Gopal Kashinath Gore7
11MangalaWife of Trimbak Sadashi Gore8
12VasantiWife of Vishnu Gopal Gore8

Continuation Trees:-

Copyright and Disclaimer Statement:-

  1. The image cannot be reproduced in any place/document/books/websites without proper permissions from the creators.
  2. No information will be provided based on email or blog posts. If any information is required, the individual must contact us in person in Pune to prove he/she belongs to this family before any information about living members and private information is provided to them.
  3. If for some reason, parenting shown in the image and actual parenting (i mean ancestors) varies a bit, kindly let us know and we can discuss based on documents we have and the individual has.


मकरंद प्रभाकर गोरे said...

I am Makarand Gore, son of Prabhakar Ganesh Gगore, Grand son of Ganesh Govind Gore, with So Ashay Gore and Daughter Anuja Gore now in the US please amend the tree, नमस्ते व आभार

Anonymous said...

Hi, can you drop email at vatsagore@gmail giving the details. Would update the tree accordingly. Have confusion on location for placing the family tree
